Efem Korea
Korea - Humor, Football, Game, Football Manager, Integrated Community, Femko
Efem Korea is an integrated community and provides various bulletin board topics to users.
We currently provide a single humor, football and Internet broadcasting bulletin board with the largest number of visitors in Korea.
It is often called the abbreviation Femco.
With the philosophy that the end of tuning is pure, the production of the app was made in a simple and light way with a focus on performance.
Official website: https://m.fmkorea.com/
[Optional access rights]
- Camera/voice recording: request and use for real-time video and voice streaming (WebRTC standard technology). Do not use for any other purpose.
-Photo/Media/File, Storage Permissions: Request and use as needed to attach recording files and download files. Do not use for any other purpose.
- Location information: Request and use when visiting a home page that uses location information. Do not use for any other purpose.
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