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sourcedate 2024-05-15


Application for identification in c7up 7 Down transparency record of the Federal Gazette

With the free BANZ-ID app you can prove your identity quickly, securely and conveniently using your smartphone or tablet. Simply use the online identification function of your identity card (eID), identify via video chat or use the video-supported automatic identification process.

The Bundesanzeiger Verlag offers this service for its tasks, namely the management of transparency registers and company registers, as well as for its partners, where an identity check of customers must be carried out in order to guarantee security standards and comply legal requirements (e.g. identification according to DiRUG for transmission of accounting documents and company reports that require disclosure).

Important: Before using the application, always write down the respective Ident ID that you received after selecting the desired identification method on one of our platforms.

This app uses foreground notifications to ensure that ongoing identification procedures are not interrupted.

7up 7 Down Trick