Description of Flappy Kek Shadilay Flappy Kek!Take the role of Pepe the frog and jump through as many obstacles as you can in the Temple of Kek to collect meme-magic points.With the collected points you can unlock many new magic pepes while listening to the sound of Kek!Praise Kek: the Egyptian god of primordial chaos.Keywords:pepe, flappy, bird, frog, shadilay, meme, magic, space, egypt, weaponized, jump, obstacles, temple, shrine, realm, cyberspace, energy, obscure,Fortune Rabbit chaos, god, illuminati, pyramid, flappykek, kek, donald, america, great, ancient, statue, kekuit, kekui, hieroglyphs, future, song, praise, column, infinity, kekistan, freekekistan, free, fly
Version history Flappy Kek New in FlappyKek 2.0 Finally Flappy Kek 2.0 is out.This update brings many new features just in time for Christmas!Pepe has now a magic trail while jumping the columns in the Temple of Kek!A new great soundtrack has been added to make your game experience more mystical!You can now unlock a whole set of mystical magic pepes to use in game.A new menu has beed added to select among the unlocked pepes.You can now change or mute the sfx and music volumes independently!Oh by the way, we've added some Easter eggs ;) Please rate this app
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